Character model for coloring book.
Character concepts.
Character concepts round 2.
Character concepts round 1.
Character concepts round 1.
Final character design version 2.
Final character design version 2.
Character expression sheet.
Character concepts.
Toulouse: final character model.
Toulouse: character concepts.
Character model final.
Character model and logo.
Shermanator: final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Final model pose.
Dancer: final model pose.
Toulouse: final model pose.
Under The Gun
Teacher's Pet
Take Care of Number One
Take A Hike
Screwed Up
Raisin Ranch
Pure As The Driven Snow
Quit Cold Turkey
Out To Lunch
Graveyard Shift
Old Farts
No Pain, Bo Gain
Monkey Around
Can Of Worms
Call a Spade a Spade
All Bark And No Bite