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  1. Kisses The Fish

    Character model for coloring book.

  2. ITedium

    Character concepts.

  3. HVAC Dealers: Weatherman

    Character concepts round 2.

  4. HVAC Dealers: Weatherman

    Character concepts round 1.

  5. HVAC Dealers: Weatherman

    Character concepts round 1.

  6. Wingman

    Final character design version 2.

  7. Wingman

    Final character design version 2.

  8. Wingman

    Character expression sheet.

  9. Wingman

    Character concepts.

  10. ShopRite Can-Can: Super Can-Can

    Toulouse: final character model.

  11. ShopRite Can-Can: Super Can-Can

    Toulouse: character concepts.

  12. Devicify

    Character model final.

  13. CTHF: Mudd Volleyball

    Character model and logo.

  14. Sherman Dodge

    Shermanator: final model pose.

  15. Lil' Bo

    Final model pose.

  16. Fox Valley Auto

    Final model pose.

  17. Zinc

    Final model pose.

  18. Zinc

    Final model pose.

  19. Zinc

    Final model pose.

  20. Zinc

    Final model pose.

  21. Gatton Nissan

    Final model pose.

  22. ShopRite: Can-Can

    Dancer: final model pose.

  23. ShopRite: Can-Can

    Toulouse: final model pose.

  24. Idiom Dictionary

    Under The Gun

  25. Idiom Dictionary

    Teacher's Pet

  26. Idiom Dictionary

    Take Care of Number One

  27. Idiom Dictionary

    Take A Hike

  28. Idiom Dictionary

    Screwed Up

  29. Idiom Dictionary

    Raisin Ranch

  30. Idiom Dictionary

    Pure As The Driven Snow

  31. Idiom Dictionary

    Quit Cold Turkey

  32. Idiom Dictionary

    Out To Lunch

  33. Idiom Dictionary

    Graveyard Shift

  34. Idiom Dictionary

    Old Farts

  35. Idiom Dictionary

    No Pain, Bo Gain

  36. Idiom Dictionary

    Monkey Around

  37. Idiom Dictionary

    Can Of Worms

  38. Idiom Dictionary

    Call a Spade a Spade

  39. Idiom Dictionary

    All Bark And No Bite

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